The General Data Production Regulation
The General Data Production Regulation came into effect on 25 May 2018, it replaces the Data Protection Act 1998. This EU regulation protects consumer and customers against the rising data breaches, and here at Zavis, we want to make sure that we are keeping your customer data secure and that we make our marketing communications as clear as possible.
GDPR - How is Zavis Accountable for Personal Data of Current Customers ?
We are accountable for any of yours personal data that we collect and who we share it with.
We are contacting all of our customers to make you aware that we are giving you genuine choice and control of the data that you have supplied to us, and that it meets GDPR standard.
We need to ask you to opt-in again to receive future email newsletters, updates, and promotions. We need confirmation from you that you are happy for us to hold your data. Remember, you have the right ‘To be forgotten’. If we don’t hear back from you, you will automatically be unsubscribed from our contact database.
We are now only sending out email marketing materials to those individuals who have officially opted-in.
You have the right to review your data, and to ask for it to be entirely purged from our system at any time.
GDPR - How is Zavis Accountable for Personal Data of New Customers?
For new customers, we have added a ‘tick box’ on our Contact Us form that requires customers to read and agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy. There is a further tick box for you to tick to confirm that you wish to receive further marketing communications from us.
You have the right to review your data, and to ask for it to be entirely purged from our system at any time.
GDPR - How does Zavis Collect and Collate Your Data?
In two ways:
1. When you fill in our Contact us from
You supply us details of your Name, your Email Address, and your Telephone number (together with your enquiry message). This is your personal information and we need to get consent to process this data. Therefore, we have added a tick box to the contact form that requires you to confirm that you have read and agreed our Terms and Privacy Policy. And a further tick box to confirm that you wish to receive further marketing communications from us.
2. When you make a Payment for One of our Products
When you make an online payment via Zavis, your credit/debit card data is also subject to GDPR. Zavis, along with your card provider/financial organisation has a liability to ensure that your personal financial data is kept secure at all times. We ensure that your data is:
- Processed legally and appropriately and with a clear view of how the information will be used
- Collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes
- Relevant and limited to the responsive purposes
- Accurate and kept up to date
- Retained for no longer than is necessary for the relevant purposes
- Only processed if the data are kept appropriately secure
GDPR - Our Ongoing Commitment
Zavis Ensures that :
- We review all of our data-processing activities and keep verifiable records of these activities.
- We have implemented appropriate technical measures to adequately protect the security of your personal data
- We are compliant with the ‘the accountability principle’ and that we cooperate with the relevant supervisory authority where appropriate.
- We have appropriate processes and templates in place for identifying, reviewing and promptly reporting data breaches to the relevant supervisory authority.
- If you have any queries relating to GDPR and Zavis's commitments.
- If you would like to opt-out at any time our marketing communications.
- If you would like further information on how Zavis keeps your data secure under the new GDPR (May 2018)