Beautiful Indian inspired clothing, fashions, Indian jewellery and home-ware. Lovingly made, locally sourced & ethnically produced. Giving life to traditional traders.Zavis – ‘where roots matter’ – we..
We support our local families financially who make our handmade jewellery with lots of effort and time, work with passion. Art of cultureTaking lots of time to make beautiful designs, silk thread desi..
Hand-loom has been a part of the culture for thousands of years. We have all had those days when our grandmothers proudly waved the “pallu “of their designer hand-loom Saree around for every festival...
Humanity is undefined , in a creation helping hands make worlds better , zavis motto is roots matter , we share our business profits in various ways , making strong rural empowerment , to help the fa..
This is one of the best time to recharge our inner and outer energies, enjoy the times and get charged yourself, eliminate your tiredness, so vacation time is a happiest movement’s in life times. Ever..